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Isabel V.


Hi! I’m Isabel. A dancer, writer, artist, skincare enthusiast who loves to laugh and have fun with family and friends…and my dog! When I first heard about Kid By Kid I knew it was a program that I would love. I have always been a nurturer by nature and drawn to jobs and activities with kids. Kid By Kid has provided me with an awesome opportunity to continue those efforts while positively impacting the learning path for young students. I love connecting with them so they know there is someone who cares and is excited for them to succeed! I have felt so much pride as I see the impact and progress our students make over time, and sometimes in just one session!

Isabel V.

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© 2020 por Kid By Kid, una organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) 3

Respeto de sus términos y condiciones de privacidad

Site and Organization created, maintained and run by Founder and President Daxton Gutekunst

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