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Alisson Ruballo


Hi, my name is Alisson and I have been a Kid By Kid tutor since my sophomore year! Throughout my time tutoring, I have greatly improved and fostered many skills which I am very grateful for! I have also gained extremely valuable experience and I do my best to apply my expertise to every tutoring session. My goal as a tutor has been to prepare kids as best as I can by identifying any issues they may have and providing support in those specific areas. I hope to help students overcome whatever problems they may face in the classroom and help instill confidence to help them thrive in their education. I appreciate how Kid By Kid has provided me with a unique experience and has given me the opportunity to support the minority and underrepresented youth. On a personal note, I come from a low-income Latino background and will be a first generation college student in the near future. I love this organization because I relate to the students and can sympathize with the obstacles they face in their education and I hope to make a positive impact on their lives! On a personal note, hobbies of mine include playing lacrosse, reading, volunteering, and gardening. My favorite subjects are Spanish (which I am fluent in), Environmental Science, and Literature. I look forward to providing as much help as I can through each tutoring session!

Alisson Ruballo

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Site and Organization created, maintained and run by Founder and President Daxton Gutekunst

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